Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Funday!

Being a teacher, I have an automatic alarm clock on the weekends... I can't sleep any later than 7:00 or 7:30.... and once I am up - I am tossing and turning - yanking covers and making too much noise to sleep anyways... so this Sunday was no different - I was up and 'at em' around 8 this morning.

It was a lovely morning. It was quiet - no tvs, the dogs weren't barking, and most importantly, the phones weren't ringing! I took this time to enjoy a nice cold Diet Pepsi for myself and thought I would try to get ahead on a few tasks. Starting at 830 - I realized the laundry fairy wasn't coming anytime soon to our house, so I needed to go ahead and start it... the first load was put in... then came finishing my pumpkin from Saturday evening... I am not much of an artist and never claimed to be, but, I am pretty impressed with my first creation!
The Coates' Pumpkin... at least one of them!
Now, you must know this morning was a very special morning for us. Instead of going to our regular mass at 11:00 am at Christ the King we were getting to attend church in Winchester to hear Taylor's brother, Blanton say the sermon! This is very exciting. Now with any big event in any family, food is a main interest... of course after church we were celebrating this wonderful event with lunch at Blanton and Lisa's home. We were asked to bring an appetizer... therefore I couldn't just make on thing, I was in the mood to cook. So I tried two things - I decided to make chocolate covered strawberries and parmesan cheese puffs (something I have never made before!)

Now these are just a few pictures... I even had a furry helper for a little while... he wanted to lick the chocolate that dribbled off... 

(You'll have to excuse the pictures... I am still learning how to operate the blog!)

After the strawberries, I went on to the cheese puffs... I don't have any pictures of those but I do have a picture of my most favorite "pre-wedding" kitchen appliance gift given to me by my mother, Charlotte! 
I have no idea what I would do without this appliance... it is amazing in ever since of the word! :) I LOVE IT!

Finally... after I did some mixing, I finally heard some movement upstairs! I checked the clock and it was already 9:00... so I decided it was time to stop and clean this up: 
I turned it into this: 

 It was time to get ready for church. By 10:05 - I was showered, dressed and leaving for Winchester. 

We had a wonderful time - all the snacks were a hit! I will definitely make the cheese puffs again! :) 

After church and lunch - we came back home and were lazy on the couch and then we went to support our best friends Meredith and Hunter for the Half Day celebration to St. Patrick's Day! 

Needless to say, Taylor was loving the relaxed atmosphere: 
This Sunday was such an exciting day - full of family, friends, laughter and love... 

I know this "entry" was more like a chapter of a novel - but welcome to my life! 

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